Monday, January 30, 2012

Something Thoughtful


Charles Dickens was born on 7 February 1812, exactly 200 years ago this month.
He’s been dead for 142 years, as he made it only to the age of 58 before dying, at least in part from exhaustion, in 1870.

Normally, I would write, in great detail, a post about the Greatest Novelist in the English Language. But instead, I will simply issue an invitation, for those of you lucky enough to live in New Zealand.

On the 200th Birthday of Charles Dickens, Tuesday 7 February 2012, in the Auckland Central public library, I will be proposing a toast to Charles Dickens by means of an illustrated talk, which I hope is as entertaining as I have tried to make it informative. My good friend Iain Sharp will be assisting me with readings from the great Dickens, and the whole affair will be preceded by a Dickens Quiz. We begin with drinks at 5pm, proceed to the quiz and some jollities at 5;30 pm and will be into the presentation itself by 6 pm.

It will be a pleasure to see you there. 

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