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We feature each week Nicholas Reid's reviews and comments on new and recent books.
We feature each week Nicholas Reid's reviews and comments on new and recent books.
GROUND – A voice for nature conservation” by Alan F. Mark (Otago University
Press, $NZ45); “STEWART ISLAND – RAKIURA NATIONAL PARK” by Neville Peat (Otago
University Press, $NZ29:95)

come in many varieties. There’s the boastful type about all the prominent
people the author has met; the psychological type, where the author delves into
childhood and upbringing to explain how he / she has become the person he / she
is; and then there is the type Professor Mark has written – an orderly account
of his working life, with very little detail on his private life and feelings.
For Mark, the autobiography is part of a long campaign, publicising necessary
good fights for a healthier environment and the preservation of New Zealand
Save for a brief
two-page catch-up at the end, all the personal and family stuff is in the first
chapter. Born in 1932, the son of a Dunedin electrician sometimes in straitened
circumstances, young Alan Mark excelled in the sciences at school, majored in
botany and zoology at the University of Otago, won a Fulbright Scholarship
which took him to Duke University in the USA, and rejoiced in the American
system, which began with two years of orderly coursework before he proceeded to
fieldwork towards his Ph.D on “grass balds” in the Appalachians. It was in
America that he married his New Zealand wife Patricia, who has often been his
comrade and supporter in various ecological campaigns. They were to have four
And that’s it
for the private man as we proceed to the career.
Later there were
to be clashes with Federated Farmers, and sometimes with the Department of Lands
and Survey (which Mark believed to be too often favouring farming interests)
about how much land should be set aside for the conservation of red [copper]
tussock. Though they managed to get an area set aside for the protection of
takahe, Mark and others failed to get a large Conservation Park established in
Central Otago. But he was gratified that at least some farmers supported his
drive for scientific reserves in the high country, especially as:
“… the lack of any tussock grassland reserves
in the entire South Island high country meant a serious absence of any baseline
reference areas. Because all of the high country had been allocated for
pastoral farming, it was impossible without any representative, non-farmed
areas to assess objectively the impacts of the various aspects of pastoral
farming, particularly stock grazing at different intensities and/or seasons,
combined with burning at different intensities, frequencies and times, and
particularly the post-burn management.” (Chapter 3, p.63)
There was a
debate over establishing a conservation park in Nardoo Tussock Grassland. 40%
of the area, which Mark and others wanted set aside, was in dispute. The
conservationists took their case to the Ombudsman, but even before he had made
his ruling (which did not support their case), the disputed land was ploughed
up and converted to agricultural use. In this, Mark again criticises the role
of the Department of Lands and Survey, noting:
“The outcome of the Nardoo issue had major
implications for the department’s image, particularly its handling of the dual
responsibilities for land development and nature conservation. When difficult
and contentious decisions had to be made between development and conservation,
they almost invariably favoured development. This was also the public image the
Forest Service had increasingly developed in relation to submissions on publicly
notified forest-management plans, something the Land Settlement Board had managed
to avoid. The concerned public eventually had their day soon after the Labour
government was elected in 1984. Following an ‘Environmental Summit’ at
parliament, the new government announced that the two departments were to be
disestablished and replaced by two SOEs, Forestcorp and Landcorp, with the
‘green dots’ collectively to form a new Department of Conservation.” (Chapter
4, p.93)
So far, the
non-specialist reader may be a little lost in Mark’s specialist preoccupations,
apart from having the general sense that high country grasslands are essential
to a healthy ecological cycle. But Chapter 5 will probably resonate much more
with non-specialist readers. Here Mark gives a detailed account of the 13-year
campaign (1959-72) to save Lake Manapouri from being raised for hydro-electrical
use in accordance with the government’s contract with Comalco. It is alarming
to be reminded that the original plan had been to flood both Lake Manapouri
and Lake Te Anau to turn them into one huge lake – but this scheme
proved impracticable even before the protests began. Professor Mark makes it
clear that the campaign against raising the lake was won only when an incoming
Labour government agreed to a policy of having “guardians” of the lakes, to
monitor water levels, report on the damage done to inundated shorelines etc.
Mark notes that since the campaign of protest was won, he and others have had
generally friendly dealings with NZEC, the agency concerned with generating
electricity; and all political parties have reached a consensus on how the
lakes should be managed. Yet he does say:
“On reflection, there were times during the
Save Manapouri Campaign when I wondered whether my career as a scientist would
be wrecked by political ill-will or the manipulation of officialdom. In his
history of the campaign, Manapouri Saved, Neville Peat quotes me as saying,
‘as a young scientist I felt vulnerable – at times out on a limb on an issue
that was highly political. Many government scientists, unable or unwilling in
terms of job security to speak out themselves, urged me to take a stand’ ”.
(Chapter 5, p.131)
In a chapter
called “Quangos I Have Known”, Mark lauds the fact that Quangos
[Quasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisations] allowed specialist input into
government planning, especially in an era when the Official Secrets Act was
re-framed to allow some access to documents concerning such planning. As a
member of the National Parks and Reserves Authority for nine years, Mark saw
the value of such input, although there was always the possibility that
recommendations could be over-ridden. When one national park was agreed upon:
“Although the entire area was eventually
declared a national park, Westland commissioner Julian Rodda undermined it by
allowing a grazing concession in the flooded area soon afterwards.
Unsurprisingly, later ecological surveys revealed serious weed invasion and
degradation associated with the grazing, a problem that probably continues to
this day. You win some, you lose some, despite best efforts.” (Chapter 6,
There could also
be personal slanging against the conservationist causes Mark espoused. When
discussing the Otago Conservation Board’s initiatives to set up a Little Valley
tussock conservation scheme, he reports:
“Among the wide range of submissions received
on the issue, Lincoln University agricultural economist Alastair McArthur’s was
particularly provocative. Referring to tussock grassland research generally, he
claimed that most scientists associated with it were so ‘green’ as to be
incapable of making judgments without bias. They were therefore open to
suspicion some scientists could ‘fudge’ data and make ‘extravagant claims’.
Descending to this level of criticism was galling. It reflected defensive
reactions to the ecosystem degradation that had become clearly apparent to many
scientists over the relatively short period of their working lives.”
(Chapter 6, p.157)
From the tone of
this review so far, you will note that I am doing little more than recording
instances of Mark’s work and some of his opinions upon it.
There is a
reason for this.
While one
admires Mark for what he has attempted and achieved in the area of
conservation, one also has to admit that his writing style is almost in the
nature of a report, being largely a matter of listing and ticking off various
enterprises in which he has been involved. This is especially true in the last
three chapters, where we hear of many battles fought in Forest and Bird, and
the struggle when Timberlands sought to log indigenous trees on the West Coast
(as Nicky Hager’s Secrets and Lies reports,
Mark had the honour of being called a “smart bastard” by a publicist for
Timberlands.) There has been the campaign to prevent the Denniston Plateau
being mined; the campaign to eradicate wilding trees; takahe management in the
Fiordland mountains; the preservation of patterned wetlands and alpine
vegetation; and an expedition to check the effects of deer browsing.
There has been
Mark’s participation in ENGOs, of which he remarks:
their best, ENGOs [Environmental Non-Government Organisations] are the foot soldiers of environmentalism,
and my experiences with them have been variously rewarding and frustrating on
both human and conservation fronts. Typically, every active member has his or
her private environmental agenda so that group tensions can arise….. I have
learnt valuable, if at times difficult, lessons about the nature and
accessibility – or inaccessibility – of power, but have always dealt with
principles, not personalities.”
(Chapter 9, p.226)
[unsuccessful] opposition to the construction of the (leaking) Clyde Dam. And
[successful] opposition to Meridian Energy’s plan to build a huge wind-farm
across Central Otago’s Lammermoor Range. And the coordination of the “Wise
Response” campaign to make the government endorse a systematic review of all
aspects of bio-management and ecology with a view to sustainability. (The whole
Wise Response submission to parliament is printed as an appendix).
One unifying
theme is all this is Mark’s perception of the connectedness of his various
causes – all are contributing to the one goal of a well-managed environment.
There is little rancour expressed against farmers who did not always see
eye-to-eye with conservationists, but there is a strong sense of how
“development” can often lead to little more than a degraded environment.
Intriguing footnote: There
is more than one way to write about the urgent need to protect the natural
environment. It can be written about in the scientific, matter-of-fact and
somewhat dry style of Professor Mark. Or it can be written about in poetry. It
strikes me that many of Mark’s concerns are shared by the Dunedin poet Richard
Reeve, whom Professor Mark once references in Standing My Ground. You will see evidence of this in the review of
Reeve’s Generation Kitchen.
Silly and impertinent footnote. Standing My Ground is
illustrated with many photographs. On Page 138 there is a photograph of various
worthies, in 1985, pacing out the mountain route that would become the Kepler
Track. The track, between Lakes Manapouri and Te Anau, is indeed a great walk.
I walked it in 1994. What irritated me, however, was the helipad at the top of
the track, allowing lazy trampers to be flown up, so that they could claim to
have walked the track by merely walking downhill from the top. The noise of
helicopters buzzing up and down quite destroyed the ambience of the place, as
well has making is harder to doze off in the nearby hut. I haven’t been on the
track for over 20 years, but if this arrangement is still in place, I would
like Professor Mark to start a campaign to have the helicopters banned.
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Just a brief
note on Neville Peat’s Stewart Island –
Rakiora National Park. Peat is a conservationist who is cited a couple of
times by Alan Mark. He is also a skilful writer. I enjoyed his Shackleton’s Whisky when I reviewed it
for the Listener some years back, but
I have yet to catch up with his book on the Tasman Sea, for which he won a
major book award. This 72-page guide to Stewart Island is the revision and update
of a guide Peat wrote in 2000. Lavishly illustrated (‘scuse the
reviewer-speak), looking at the geological, botanical and historical features,
it will obviously be of most use to holiday-makers and hikers visiting New
Zealand’s third island.
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