Eliot was a woman of broad and
humane sympathies, who liked and admired Dickens and would probably not have made
such waspish comments in public, or in her thoughtful novels.
Still her remarks point to what
is a fair cop with some people. It always seems incongruous to us when the
wealthy speak on behalf of the poor and downtrodden. It can come close to the
“Lady Bountiful” syndrome where, like the character in Farquhar’s The Beaux Stratagem, well-to-do people
show ostentatiously how generous they are to the poor. This smacks of
hypocrisy, for the real motive of the Lady Bountifuls is not charity,
benevolence or a zeal to improve the world. It is the desire to be admired. It
also ignores that Gospel injunction not to let the left hand know what the
right is doing – in other words, don’t run around telling people how good you
are when you do good deeds.
In more recent times, this impulse can
manifest itself as “radical chic”, the ailment which the American satirist Tom
Wolfe diagnosed in his essay of that name back in 1970. The “radical chic” are
prominent and wealthy people – “celebrities” – who attach themselves to
fashionable or radical causes not because the cause is important to them, but
because it will allow them to be seen in a favourable light in glossy newspaper
supplements and in the gossip columns. Wolfe’s original article may have been
unfair (all satire is). The specific people he satirised in 1970 seemed to
sincerely – if naively – support the radical cause they publicised. Even so,
they and their methods were a fit subject for ridicule. The same could be said
of many of Hollywood’s current “act-or-vists”.
But there’s a problem lurking
here. If you bother to read Tom Wolfe’s later writings, and particularly his
novels, you will discover that his apt satire on the “radical chic” has curdled
into contempt, not only for the fashionably, flashily and publicly
compassionate, but for ALL forms of charity and aid for those in need. [Look up my review of Wolfe’s Back to Blood on the blog index].
Wolfe is no longer rejecting those who let the left hand know what the right
hand is doing. In the Wolfe universe, all well-to-do people who wish to share
wealth more equitably or help the needy are ridiculed as poseurs and fools. And
this becomes a convenient way of opposing higher taxation on the wealthy, aid
programmes and egalitarianism. If you cry “Radical chic!” every time you see a
prominent person promoting the sharing of wealth, you will not have to feel
guilty about your own wealth.
I recently heard a loud
right-winger excoriating members of New Zealand’s Labour and Green
Parties. Apparently they are a bunch of
wankers intent on spending other people’s money, and just look at their
hypocrisy! I was then given all the inside information on the rorts, scams and
misuses of personal privileges that said Labour and Green Party representatives
enjoy as they go about their plans.
Far be it from me to use this
blog as a slate endorsing any particular political parties. But the obvious
point is that said rorts, scams and misuses of personal privileges are as
abundant in centre-right parties as in centre-left ones. If I were in a
gossiping mood, I would now delineate all the rorts, scams and misuses of
personal privileges of National, Act and New Zealand First members.
This, however, is beside the main
point. To concentrate on personal failings of reformers like this – and
especially the personal vanity of some – neatly relieves us of the burden of
thinking how society may be improved and made more just. “Look at those hypocritical rich who want to spend other peoples’ money”
really means “I don’t want to pay any
more taxes.”
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