Reid reflects in essay form on general matters and ideas related to
literature, history, popular culture and the arts, or just life in general. You are free to agree
or disagree with him.

So here I am telling you that
I dislike intensely a canonical poem that is often anthologised and that once
was regularly fed to schoolchildren. It is Thomas Hardy’s In Time of ‘the Breaking of Nations’ which
goes thus:
Only a man harrowing clods
In a slow silent walk
With an old horse that stumbles and nods
Half asleep as they stalk.
Only thin smoke without flame
From the heaps of couch-grass;
Yet this will go onward the same
Though Dynasties pass.
Yonder a maid and her wight
Come whispering by:
War’s annals will cloud into night
Ere their story die.
Of course I know about
this poem. Thomas Hardy wrote it for publication midway through the First World
War, early in 1916, in response to a conservative newspaper’s request for
positive statements about the war. The public were growing weary of the war, so
here is a little poem that tells them not to worry. War will fade away before
the eternal countryside fades away.
Cheer up. One day all will be back to normal. And then (see “Notes and
Queries” or some such querulous publication) there are those who argue
ingeniously that it is really an anti-war poem. How trivial war is compared
with the ongoing human condition displayed in the countryside. Thus a silly –
and rather pointless – discussion can be had about a poem that can bear either
interpretation. But then people with much time on their hands do like to write
verbose articles squeezing as much meaning as they can out of twelve short
Please don’t ask me to
discuss the type of things schoolkids used to be told: “See, children, its title comes from the Bible and it’s in three
stanzas, it has crossed rhymes A-B-A-B, it uses an archaic vocabulary and it’s
in a pastoral tradition deriving from the Romantics and ya diddle-diddle.”
Such information is really data and has nothing to do with taste.
So why do I so dislike this
Because its rhymes are
forced. Do a slow-moving man and old horse really “stalk”? They do so only
because the rhyme demands it.
Because it seems to me
complacent and dishonest. Here are all these jokers getting blown up in
trenches not too far (as the crow flies) from where Thomas Hardy is writing.
And here he is wittering on about an idealised pastoral scene that didn’t really

But above all because of that
pretty-pretty archaic vocabulary. “Wite” forsooth, when you only mean "man".
“Maid”. “Ere”. “Yonder”. “Annals”. Yes, I know. Some wittering wiseacres will
tell me that the archaism is deliberate, because Hardy wants to link his
vision with Elizabethans and the like to underline the concept of eternity and
the land which has not changed for hundreds of years. “Bah, humbug!” say I. It
is mere prettification.
You will note that I have
just served you four very short paragraphs each containing the word “because”.
This might have misled you into believing that they give my reasons for
disliking this foolish and overpraised squib. They do no such thing. They give
you my rationalisations, and they are not the same things.
My real reason for not liking
this poem is that it does not appeal to my taste.
You are quite free to like it
if you will, but do not pretend that that means you ‘appreciate’ and understand
it more than I do. It simply means that we have different tastes.
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