Reid reflects in essay form on general matters and ideas related to
literature, history, popular culture and the arts, or just life in general. You are free to agree
or disagree with him.

Word to the Wise is subtitled “Untangling
the mix-ups, misuse and myths of language”. After an introduction, with
tips on clear writing, it becomes essentially an explication of words commonly
confused with one other, and of words that are commonly misused. Very
occasionally the confusion comes from pronunciation (as when Americans say
“Ado” for “Adieu”.)
are many old favourites here. I believe they would confuse few people with more
than a rudimentary knowledge of English, but they could confuse people just
beginning to learn English. “Comprise” / “compose”. “Dual” / “duel”. “Immanent” / “imminent”. “Imply” / “infer”.
“Sewage” / “sewerage”. “Luxurious” / “luxuriant”.
“Metal” / “mettle. “Alter” / “altar”. “Pray” / “prey”. And surely only the
hoi-polloi would confuse “hoi polloi” with “hoity-toity”.
really do wonder which people would confuse the following pairs, all included
by Broatch: “Acrimony” and “alimony”. “Eccentric” and “eclectic”. “Miasma” and
“milieu”. “Malinger” and “philander”. “Emancipated” and “emasculated”. “Ersatz”
and “erstwhile”. Really, how often have these words been misused, one for the
other? Has Broatch included them simply for the fun of it? And even if they
understood the meaning of either, in what circumstances have people misused
“iatrogenic” in place of “idiopathic”?
of the mistakes Broatch points out are cases of sheer illiteracy, the
perpetrators of which will one day face the severest penalties when they are
brought before my Court of Linguistic Correctness. (“Bias” instead of “biased”;
“brought” instead of “bought” etc.). I am not sure that Broatch’s exposition
concerning the correct uses of “that”
and “which” really clarifies matters; and I am still unsure how to distinguish
“predilection”, “proclivity” and “propensity”, even after his definition of
each. He does raise some issues I’d never considered, such as the American and
the British uses of “backward’ and “backwards”; and I was unaware that
Americans are apparently adopting the habit of using “nonplussed” to mean
“indifferent” or “bored”. I am quite nonplussed by this information.
to a list of controversial matters raised and my responses to them. On the
“alright” and “all right” controversy, I would say that the two forms now have
two different meanings and the form “alright” should be accepted – even if one
of my publishers once insisted that I turn my “alrights” into “all rights”. As
for “crapulence” and its derivatives – I would either reserve them for drunkenness
or not use them at all (Broatch rightly notes that they are often used wrongly).
In the same way, I insist that “noisome” means smelly rather than noisy (although,
of course, a fart can be both). I agree with
Broatch that we must uphold the difference in meaning between “uninterested”
and “disinterested”. People who confuse these words will be executed after
trial in my Court of Linguistic Correctness. Unlike Broatch, however, I would
return “crescendo” to meaning a gradual increase in sound, and not the final
climactic blare. Likewise, I would rein in the use of “decimate”. I oppose the
gradual “creep” in this word toward being a synonym for general destruction.
Even if (as Broatch says) we no longer punish every tenth soldier, the word
still means to sustain serious, but not decisive, losses. A decimated army is
still an army that can offer battle. I differ from Boatch in that I would
always use “different from” and I regard “different than” or “different to” as
illiteracies. I would be wary of using “enormity” in such a way as to suggest
that it refers to size. I am pleased to see that Broatch cautions against using
“less” when you mean “fewer”, but my Linguistic Agents are now classifying him
as a Person Of Interest for endorsing the loose use of adverbs such as
“hopefully”, for encouraging the use of “impact” as a transitive verb and for
defending the non-literal use of “literally”. I further caution that my hired
investigators will soon be purging the staff of the OED (cited by Broatch) who
suggest that the absolute term “unique” can be modified with words such as
“very” or “quite”. Finally, if you are going to include a definition of “Procrustean”,
why not include a definition “Draconian” [as the two terms both fall refer to great
should note that Broatch ends his volume with lists of words often mispelled
(or misspelt), common social media abbreviations, unusual plural forms and
clichés. I should also note that he has a tendency to label (in both his introduction
and his text) more fastidious users of English as “traditionalists”, but then
he is manifestly not an advocate of a linguistic free-for-all. If he were, he
would not compose a book such as this one. Likewise he often labels as
“literary” words, such as “erstwhile”, that are only a short distance from
everyday speech. Kingsley Amis’ enjoyable style-guide The Kings English is labelled by Broatch as “archly sticklerish”. This is ironic because I have now placed
Broatch’s Word to the Wise on my
shleves next to my copy of The King’s
all know how annoying it can be when people question our own use of language.
Recently, a reader called me to account for referring, in a book review, to
people as “straight-laced” ( = correct, proper, perhaps prudish). The reader
pointed out that it was spelled correctly “strait-laced”, and gave an etymology
of the phrase to prove his point. I did a little research and found that the
etymology is disputed and the term may legitimately be spelled either way. Likewise
I remember once how annoyed a journalist became when a reader called him out
for using the phrase “begging the question” as if it were a mere synonym for
“raising the question”. (To “beg the question” means to assume the truth of an
argument without proving it, usually by circular reasoning). Some matters to do
with grammar and the correct use of words will always raise eyebrows and
controversy. This status quo prevails even after reading Word to the Wise. But it is enjoyable to canter through it, and it
will be of help to many.
the record, you may find on this blog my own opinionated witterings about
language and usage in earlier postings here Awareness of Language and How to Diminish It and here Grumpy Old Man Mode and here Passionate Impacts on your Behalf and
here Um.
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