Reid reflects in essay form on general matters and ideas related to
literature, history, popular culture and the arts, or just life in general. You are free to agree
or disagree with him.
Melancholy times.
I have never, ever believed that in
making political choices we are choosing between the good and the bad; between
the sunny upland future promised in political propaganda and the very Hell that
is presented as its alternative.
we cast our votes in a general election, we are always choosing between the
competent and the less competent, between the mediocre and the sub-mediocre,
between the bad and the worse. In voting, I hope my preferred candidates will
implement at least some of the policies they have promised, but I am more
concerned with warding off the bad rather than trying to bring on the desirable.
I am not acting under the illusion that my preferred party will achieve the
Millennium. Six months back, in a posting on Evelyn Waugh’s Sword of Honour trilogy, I quoted four
lines from C. Day Lewis’s “Where Are The War Poets?”, expressing a British view
of the Second World War: “It is the logic of our times,/ no subject for
immortal verse - / that we who lived by honest dreams / defend the
bad against the worse.”
That is how I, and I hope
other thinking voters, approach any election.
But there are times when the
choice is so extreme and bizarre that it requires special comment.
As I write this editorial, it
seems clear that Hillary Clinton will be the official Democrat candidate in America’s
forthcoming presidential elections, and Donald Trump will be the official
Republican candidate. I am fully aware that extremists (e.g. Barry Goldwater)
have previously run for the office of American president; and that complete
incompetents (e.g. Warren Harding) have previously held it. But I am finding it
hard to think of any two opposing candidates, in recent times, more risible
than these two and less fit for such high office.

Of course there are those who
argue that her being the First Woman President would have great symbolic value,
like Barack Obama’s being the First Black President. As a principle, I’m in no
way opposed to a woman holding America’s supreme executive power, if only
because the experience of having a woman as president will smartly educate
people in the fact that a woman at the top will not usher in an era of humane,
caring-sharing-holistic values, but will essentially be business as usual.
(America is way behind other countries in mooting a woman as boss – but while
you ponder that fact, please ask yourself how much the premierships of Margaret
Thatcher, Helen Clark or Angela Merkel have made the world a better place…)
I am heartened to find a
number of feminist ideologues saying in effect: “It would be good to have a woman as president. But what a pity that it
has to be this woman.”
In any other year, Hillary
Clinton would be a candidate to oppose.
The “policies” of Donald
Trump (if they can be honoured with that word) are so extreme, demagogic, crude
and aggressive that I still reel at the thought that he has become the official
candidate of a major political party. Before you click in with your stereotypes
(mainly fostered by late-night American satire shows) on what the Republican
Party is, please remember that there was a time when it appealed to the
mainstream, supported the welfare state and proposed mature candidates capable
of nuanced thought. It has apparently lost all of these things and degenerated
into what Noam Chomsky has called an “insurgency”. Donald Trump is a walking
parody of all America’s worst impulses – blind worship of excessive wealth, xenophobia,
anti-intellectualism, a populism which plays politics like a game show and a
sense that an aggressive foreign policy will ensure American primacy. He is the
21st century equivalent of the 19th century “Know
Nothing” Party.
I think hard about this
unpalatable choice being put to a functioning democracy, and I come up with an
obvious comparison.
The last democratic
presidential election to be held in Weimar Germany was in 1932. The incumbent
candidate was Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, was born in 1847 so was nearly 85 in 1932. He had
already been president for seven years. He was an arch-conservative, in bad health,
reactionary, militarist, well past it and verging on senility. In any other
year he would have been a dead duck as presidential candidate.
The problem was, the opposing candidate was Adolf

Even so, the
election of 1932 showed centrist and centre-left voters (as well as many real
conservatives, of course) choosing the very bad to ward off the even worse.
This is the
choice that the United States now faces. Clinton and Trump make for a
Hindenburg-Hitler election. I recall that in the 1990s, left-wing French voters
chose to vote for the conservative Jacques Chirac in order to head off the
xenophobic extremism of the Le Pen movement, which then had some political
traction. But they registered their distaste by holding their noses while
casting their votes.
So here’s my
advice to American voters – hold your nose, try not to vomit, and vote for
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All readers of this blog are most welcome to
attend the launch of Nicholas Reid’s second collection of poetry, Mirror World.
It is being launched at the Gus Fisher
Gallery – top of Shortland Street, Auckland – on the evening of Thursday
14 July.
Be there for drink and nibbles at 6pm
with the formal part of the launch at 6:30.
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