everything worth reading is hot off the press. In this section, we recommend "something old" that is still well worth
reading. "Something Old" can mean anything from a venerable and antique
classic to a good book first published four or more years ago
“CLOSING TIMES” by Dan Davin
(published in 1975)

here I am noticing it.
Four of the seven profiles seem to me of less interest to
the modern reader, even if one of them is about an important literary figure.
Perhaps these were the four who did not engage Davin’s sympathies as highly as
the other three did.
First comes Julian Maclaren-Ross (1912-64), the
dandyish behemian writer, social snob and boozer, who was always on the brink
of writing something great but who never quite achieved it. Davin finally says
that Maclaren-Ross was a “major talent of
minor accomplishment”, which seems just. Maclaren-Ross’s life reminds Davin
of Sam Johnson’s memoir of the lively, promising, but distinctly minor poet
Richard Savage. Perhaps Maclaren-Ross simply lacked the talent to write the
novel he was always promising to write. After some much-admired short stories and
one admired novella in the 1940s, he gradually sank into formulaic junk. Yet of
course Davin recalls him as a convivial bar-friend, conversationalist, wit… and
sponger, relying always on other people’s charity.
more minor is W.R. Rodgers (1909-69), a former Prebyterian minister and Northen
Irish poet, who was another good drinking pal, if more abstemious and less garrulous
than most such. Though told with good humour, most of Davin’s account of him
concerns Rodgers’ failure to deliver an article for a book on Ireland which
Davin, as Oxford publisher, had commissioned. As a result the book was never

Starkie (1897-1970), the subject of Davin’s next profile, is a figure now
forgotten. She was a scholar of French literature who wrote works on Baudelaire, Flaubert and perhaps most famously Rimbaud. But now her works have been superseded, as, eventually, most works of literary history and criticism are (for dissension from her views on Rimbaud, see on this blog the posting about Charles Nicholl’s Rimbaud book SomebodyElse). In Davin’s telling, Enid Starkie was a punctilious and diligent worker who always honoured deadlines and who was, in a way, heroic in keeping working and planning new projects even when ill and near death. She was definitely not an habituee of pubs, living a seemly and scholarly life. But she was apparently domineering in conversations and, Davin implies, she always had to be humoured as her fragile ego meant she was easily offended. Like Davin she was a lapsed Catholic, but from upper-class Irish stock (“Castle Catholics”) quite unlike Davin’s working-class background. Davin sees her as the archetypal “spinster” who still had an Edwardian outlook on life.
forgotten. She was a scholar of French literature who wrote works on Baudelaire, Flaubert and perhaps most famously Rimbaud. But now her works have been superseded, as, eventually, most works of literary history and criticism are (for dissension from her views on Rimbaud, see on this blog the posting about Charles Nicholl’s Rimbaud book SomebodyElse). In Davin’s telling, Enid Starkie was a punctilious and diligent worker who always honoured deadlines and who was, in a way, heroic in keeping working and planning new projects even when ill and near death. She was definitely not an habituee of pubs, living a seemly and scholarly life. But she was apparently domineering in conversations and, Davin implies, she always had to be humoured as her fragile ego meant she was easily offended. Like Davin she was a lapsed Catholic, but from upper-class Irish stock (“Castle Catholics”) quite unlike Davin’s working-class background. Davin sees her as the archetypal “spinster” who still had an Edwardian outlook on life.
for the four less interesting profiles, even if one of them (on MacNeice) deals
with a major literary figure.
most interesting profiles, and the ones with which Davin seems to have been
most engaged, are the remaining three. Two are on well-known figures and one on
somebody who will be totally unknown to most readers.
Manger (1901-1969) had been well-known in his own world, but that world had
vanished even before Davin wrote about him. Itzik Manger was an East-European
Jew, who had been famous as a Yiddish-language playwright and poet. But most of
his world (and his relatives) had been destroyed by the Holocaust, and the
Yiddish language was increasingly seen as inferior to the Hebrew that was now
the dominant language in Israel. Here, then, was a man of great literary skill,
but with a diminished, and dying, audience. Davin met him by chance at a
literary conference, and the two of them struck up a friendship when they both
escaped from the tiresome introductory sessions that go with such conferences.
They headed for a pub and whisky; and they remained good friends thereafter.
Davin tells many anecdotes of Itzik Manger’s happy interaction with Davin’s
family and his children. Manger’s stories were often fantastical fables, and it
is clear that part of the bond between the two men came as Davin saw a
resemblance between Yiddish fantastical fables and the Irish fantastical fables
that were part of his own ancestry. Minor and unknown figure or not, the
profile of Itzik Manger is one of the best in this book.
The remaining two profiles are of writers who were very
well-known in their lifetime, but only one of whom now seems much read.

As it says goodbye and goodnight to so many people, Closing Times is a fitting end to
Davin’s writing career. Davin writes epitaphs on old friendships. Parts of it
do entertain, and it is now obviously one source books for various literary
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